How essential are we to this planet? Is the Church a nice garland that dresses up the drab existence of civilization, or is She more? And, if so, how much more?
Is She one of many indispensable tools to bring aid and comfort to a hurting world? Is She important for social change? Is She a leader in spiritual change? Is She the savior of families or broken-down economies? What role does She play?
I have heard it asked in this way concerning the local church: If our church were forced out of existence, who would protest? Is the body of Christ making an impact so indispensable to our community and world, that our extinction would mean a noticeable and detrimental loss to people who are not members of our congregation?
The Church is referred to in the New Testament as the “body of Christ,” and we as “members.” These two terms indicate attachment and action. We are connected to Christ. He is the Head and we are the “members.” That word “member” has been rendered so impotent through the ages that we have lost sight of what it truly means. The “member” of a body is an extension which receives its life from the rest of the body, and also is indispensable to the body to which it is attached. It is not simply a casual acquaintance. It is not a mere attender of meetings or a payer of dues. It is vital to the body.
The “body-member” image also implies action. There is a life to be lived which aggressively moves forward to the accomplishing of the Head’s will. To fail in this endeavor is to fail as a body.
We are in this together (you, me, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit). We have a tremendous responsibility and opportunity before us. It must be approached with passion, much prayer, full trust in God and complete joy. We have the potential of radically changing our community and world.
A drum-beat emphasis of Bill Hybel’s book Courageous Leadership is simple, but so true and important. He writes numerous times: The local church is the hope of the world.
Do we matter? You better believe it. Jesus died for us. And God is placing the destiny of creation on our hands. That overwhelms me. That inspires me. That means OUR calling is the highest of all, for it is divine in source and eternal in impact.
It is important that we confirm our calling as followers of Jesus Christ and members of His Body, the Church. Take some time to pause prayerfully in evaluation and re-commitment. What do you need to do to more completely fulfill that role? Who do you need to seek out to help you grow in that direction? What could your church be if its members fully surrendered to the Head? What could the Church be to the world?
Dream God-sized dreams. Those are the only kind God has. Dream with Him.
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