When all else fails, trust God.
A church in our town has this message posted on its sign. With all due respect, is this warped, or what? I propose dropping one word and altering the punctuation.
All else fails. Trust God.
Believe and live this way to begin with and you'll find the peace of God much sooner.
Never been a fan of "churchy" sayings on signs out front, but your version is much more intriguing and certainly more accurate.
I saw this posted on the marquee of the "nameless" church here in town, and thought it was a little out of whack too! And I agree with what "rc" said. But if you think about it truthfully, isn't that what most of us (Christians) do most of the time? We trust in what "we" can do until "we" can no longer "do", then we trust in God. I'm not saying that is right, just making an observation. How do we live out the old acronym F.R.O.G.?
Remember that? Fully Rely On God.
Do we do that, really? Or do we only do that when "all else fails" as the mis-directed sign says? I think of people who have had their whole lives turned completely upside down recently, and how they have no choice but to F.R.O.G.
Why does it have to come to that? Or does it have to come to that?
I can only speak for myself here, but I know that it;s not easy to release all the macho, "I can do it on my own 'cause I'm a guy" thinking. While I have learned, thankfully, that there are a lot of things I can't handle on my own, I still hold on "tooth and nail" to others. Maybe by the time I get to see Jseus, I'll be healed, eh?
Thanks Dave!
I agree, Eric, with the realistic reflection of the original axiom on the sign. Most of us do pursue many other options before finally realizing that God is a pretty good place to go.
I guess I was hoping that in such a public place those driving by would get more than a statement on how most people live and, instead, call us to something nobler. Maybe that's why it rankled me so - it was making a statement about how I already live. OUCH!
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