I woke this morning in a warm house, a warm bed, and rose to look forward to a day of relaxation, feasting and being with friends and family.
I took a morning walk with my beautiful wife. Though it was cold, it was clear and just a stunning day. We enjoyed talking, looking around God's creation and breathing in fresh air.
After we got home, we wished our two sons a "Good morning!" and "Merry Christmas." We enjoyed hugging them and simply having them home.
We've spent the morning having a leisurely breakfast, sharing the goodies tucked in our stockings - even Molly, our dog, got some treats - and doing projects around the house in preparation for friends later in the day.
I reflect on a beautiful Christmas morning about the gifts that God has poured into my life. I am grateful, but this special day calls my gratitude heavenward, for the greatest Gift invaded our world 2000 years ago. He came "full of grace and truth." He brought forgiveness and "life to the full." And this Gift - Jesus Christ, the only begotten of God - makes every other gift precious and meaningful.
Had Christ never come and had I never said "Yes" to following Him, all the treasures I mentioned earlier become passing delights with no lasting significance. Because of Jesus Christ all the joys of this life and earth become fuller and richer. And all the struggles and sorrows of this life and earth are infused with hope because He will one day make all things new.
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