Monday, February 25, 2008


The following is my first-ever attempt at any kind of poetic creation. I have been letting this sit in my draft file for a long time, too timid to click the "publish" button, and too stubborn to delete it. I realize it is painfully amateurish and the rhythm of it could be rather annoying. For some reason, though, I feel led to share it. Here goes. . .

Ambling on a dark globe,                                                    Grasping for a new robe,                                                       Finding only vanity,                                                             Blindness and insanity.

Headed for the wrong place,                                               Wandering in the sin-space;                                                Darkness all around me                                                              Can create a mutiny.

Culture scratches itches,                                                         Leads to dead-end ditches.                                                     Ahead I see a bright light                                                     Opening up my mind's sight.

Jesus offers true joy,                                                                  Foiling Satan's best ploy.                                                                 I have found the new King,                                                Everlasting Water-Spring.

Listen to the God-voice,                                                            Find the final real choice,                                                            Do away with soul-strife,                                                         Enter in to new life.

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