Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

ivotedsticker Can you stand the excitement? Super Sunday followed by Super Tuesday? I must say that I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the Super Bowl on Sunday evening. This is the first season of football (among many seasons which have passed before) that has left my appetite satisfied until the fall.

Super Tuesday has, however, left me in a spirit of relief and dread. I am relieved that the primary season is over (at least in Missouri), but I am dreading the looming and incessant mud-slinging, harassing taped phone messages, and television and radio ads.

As the graphic indicates, I have exercised my civic privilege and selected the candidate which, I believe, best represents my views on being our nation's leader. I am not, however, overly jazzed about any of the selections. In fact, I have become less and less convinced that elections make any major difference in my daily life. I realize that my cynicism sounds fatalistic and unpatriotic, but I have lived long enough to discover several important realities.

First, our nation, based as it is on a system of checks and balances (remember sophomore American Government class?) and held together by the Constitution, is fairly impervious to any major political coups. I am not unaware that incremental change can slowly move us away from the founding fathers' intent for this nation, and that, after some time, we could find ourselves suddenly at the mercy of a ruthless dictator or oppressive system. I am convinced, however, that our representative democracy provides enough balance that, as long as some basic systems are kept in order, the worst case scenario will never happen.

Second, the array of candidates made available to us are, practically speaking, indistinguishable. Those men and women who seem to hold great ideas for bringing about fundamental change, primarily by lessening the interference of government in so many areas of life in which they now have their claws and focusing on the few and major areas to which governments should, rarely gain a strong following. These rare breeds seldom have opportunity to rise to the top because developing a strong base requires numerous concessions and reduces their "platform" to a common stage. To gain support from one group, a limb is sacrificed, and another grafted in its place. To gain favor among another demographic, their mantra must be parroted. Before long, the candidates have been neutered of any meaningful convictions. Other factors, such as the importance of personal wealth, high social status, and indoctrination into the fellowship of politicos, usually insure that the collection of candidates are more professional power brokers than public servants.

Let me pause to say that once in awhile a stray evades the "insider" radar and actually gains a following, but wealthy opponents and the loud speakers of media are quickly able to discredit and discard the man or woman of integrity. I hesitate to name names, lest I become tagged, but there have been some leaders in recent years who have managed to rise above the fetid waters of political stagnation and be a blessing to those they serve. Unfortunately, I have seen few of those types lately.

Third, the role of government has become far too intrusive and has never proved itself to be an effective moral guide or social savior. At the same time, the Church has largely abdicated Her responsibility to be a river of compassion and a fountain of social justice. Government has its place to provide protection from violence, crime and foreign invasion. It is needed to maintain order and structure for the infrastructure of a nation, states and cities. But the usurping of authority in matters of morality and benevolence has strangled tax payers and done little to truly better the needy. I would far rather pour my energies, time and money into Christian ministries which have a track record of faithful stewardship and God-honoring results.

Fourth, and most important, the Authority is already enthroned. Nothing escapes His sovereignty. Man at his worst can never tarnish God's Kingdom pursuits. I rest in the governing power of God. Daniel noted:

Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.

Daniel 2:20-22

And Solomon observed:

The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.

Proverbs 21:1

Forgive my negative spirit today. I will continue to be a good citizen and vote. But I will trust in Jesus Christ as I give more of myself to prayer and Biblical obedience. Jesus and His Kingdom is the hope of the nations.

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